
The Computing and Mathematics Department is grateful to be able to offer scholarships to deserving Computer Information Technology, Computer Science, and Mathematics students.  Scholars receive a $3,000 scholarship from the Stanley White (SW) Foundation.  In addition, they are paired with a specific professor to complete a major research project.




rita njoroge    Rita Njoroge

Rita Njoroge is a senior Computer Science major from Nairobi, Kenya. Her proposed research area with Dr. Stephen Wheat is genetic analytics on High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure such as ORU’s Titan supercomputer. She will continue research with Dr. Stephen Wheat. Her research area is genetic analytics on High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure, and it involves identifying regions of significant difference between two different genetic sequences.  It is related to the efficacy of human cancer research on various animals to develop drugs to arrest, cure, and/or prevent cancer in humans. After eventually pursuing a Masters of Computer Science with a concentration in Artificial Intellengence, Rita intends to start her own tech company to help support a new generation of innovation and imagination extensively from Africa.


Bella        Bella Goodman             

Bella Goodman is a junior pursuing dual degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics. She came to ORU from Midland, Texas. Her research with Dr. Jayne Ann Harder will focus on math education research, specifically on COVID-19 learning losses, high school math curriculums, and math anxiety, and the impact on mathematics readiness for college math courses. After graduating from ORU she plans to "move to Argentina, get my Ph.D., teach CSC classes (probably at ORU), and buy some cute little dogs."


Scott        C. Scott Alons

Caleb "Scott" Alons is a senior  from Timnath, CO who is also completing dual degrees. His degrees will be in Mathematics and Biblical Literature, with a New Testament concentration for Biblical Literature. Scott  has released a preprint of his paper, “The Pitch-Class Integer Theorem,” and will be pursuing publication in a peer-reviewed journal. His continuing research seeks a novel axiomatization of musical harmony, investigating the relationship between harmony and algebraic topology. Dr. Andrew Lang is his faculty sponsor.


queena photo      Queena Lee Chin

Queena Lee Chin is a senior Computer Science major from Penang, Malaysia. She will work with Dr. Stephen Wheat and their research topic will be determined in the Fall.


hanna photo         Hanna Fontanez

Hanna Fontanez is a senior Computer Science major. Her proposed research area with Dr. Jan Woerner will explore the forefront of Edge Computing. Considering the exponential growth of connected devices and the staggering volume of data they generate, the research will leverage the distributed architecture of edge computing to revolutionize real-time decision-making processes.




Michael VanDusen - “Flexibility-Inherent Clustering Operation for RNA Viruses (FICO4VR)”

Jingee Mok - “Trajectory of Students at Oral Roberts University”

Sharon Li - “Optimizing ALEKS-PPL Math Placement Cut-Scores for Student Success in Their First ORU Mathematics Course”



Gladys Chen - "Neuropathy Treatment Efficacy for Peripheral Neuropathy Conditions"

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