ORU Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Chapter

The ORU ACM Chapter is a community of students who are dedicated to learning computing skills and helping each other grow, as well as using their expertise to make the world a better place. Recent activities include collaboration with ACM-W in establishing ORU’s Girls Who Code chapter at Metro Christian Academy, educating members on the basics of Unity Game Development and C# programming, and hosting a programming competition.

The 2024-2025 club officers are:

  • President: Scott Alons
  • Vice President: Ian Zam
  • Secretary: David Iyelolu
  • Treasurer: Joseph Song


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - Women

The ACM Chapter spun off a new group this spring – the Association for Computing Machinery Women (ACM-W). The central goal of this student chapter is to provide a platform for women in computing to connect, network, and support each other. The chapter will offer a wide range of resources and opportunities to empower and engage women in computing to grow and excel in their careers.

The 2024-2025 club officers are:

  • Chair: Chloe Winkler
  • Vice-Chair: Hanna Fontanez
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Bella Goodman
  • Publicist: Esther Muang


Kappa Mu Epsilon (KME) Chapter

Kappa Mu Epsilon1 (KME) is a prestigious national honor society dedicated to promoting excellence in mathematics. Established in 1931, KME encourages the pursuit and appreciation of mathematics among undergraduate students. Membership is awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and a strong commitment to mathematical studies or closely related fields. The Oklahoma Delta Chapter at Oral Roberts University was founded in 1990, continuing the tradition of recognizing and fostering mathematical talent and academic excellence.

The 2024-2025 club officers are:

  •   President: Scott Alons
  •   Vice President: Prem Thannickal
  •   Secretary:  Victor Gomes
  •   Treasurer: Nathan Anderson

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