
Undergraduate and graduate research is the norm in the Computing and Mathematics department! In addition to the research cited on the Stanley White Scholars page, yearly research is summarized below.



May 13 - Lee, Y., Ma, X., and Lang, A.S.I.D. (2024). Modeling of Time-varying Wireless Communication Channel with Fading and Shadowing. arXiv. https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.08199

Spring 2024 - Lee, Y., Lang, A.S.I.D., Cai, D., and Wheat, S.R. (2024). The Role of Model Architecture and Scale in Predicting Molecular Properties: Insights from Fine-Tuning RoBERTa, BART, and LLaMA. arXiv. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.00949

Spring 2024 - National American Chemical Society Conference -Anna Price presented her Outstanding Mathematics Senior Project titled “Using Cheminformatics to Predict Water Solubility” at this conference. The focus of the project was to build a model to predict water solubility with greater precision and accuracy.

March 7 - C. Scott Alons submitted "The Pitch-Class Integer Theorem" to arXiv. https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.03325

January - Anderson, J. R., Bloom, M. J., Broshous, W. T., Chen, G. Y. X., Jost, S. R., Lang, A. S. I. D., Neto, L. C. L. D. S., Mankin, N. V., McMahan, E. R., Merheb, J. A., Nelson, P. P., & Valderrama-Araya, E. F. (2023). - HEXACO personality factors as predictors of physical activity, resting heart rate, body mass index, and healthy lifestyle behaviors. https://doi.org/10.5114/cipp/159157



December 11 - Lee, Y., Ma, X., Lang, A.S.I.D., Valderrama-Araya, E.F., Chapuis, A.L. (2023). Deep Learning based Modeling of Wireless Communication Channel with Fading. arXiv.  https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2312.06849

November 11 - C. Scott Alons and Anna Price were presenters at the Missouri-Arkansas-Kansas-Oklahoma (MAKO) Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference at the Missouri State University. Anna spoke on "Using Cheminformatics to Predict Water Solubility," and Scott spoke on "Mathemusical: The Pitch-Class Integer Theorem."

March 31 - C. Scott Alons was awarded the R. B. Deal First Prize for Undergraduate Presentations at the 2023 OK-AR Mathematical Association of America Sectional Meeting. His presentation title was "Proof of the Pitch-Class Integer Theorem: An Axiomatic Approach to Musical Harmony."

March 2 - Student members of the Healthy Academic Community research group presented their research as part of the Student Health Symposium at the American College of Sports Medicine's Central States conference. Gladys Chen and Jonathan Merheb presented "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on College Students' Stress and Physical Activity Levels."  Victor Gomes and Jingee Mok discussed "Fitbits, Field Tests & Grades: The Effects of a Healthy & Physically Active Lifestyle on the Academic Performance of First Year College Students."

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