
University Assessment System

Evidence of Student Learning

Evidence of Student Learning

The University assessment system uses key program assessments to measure student mastery of the University, professional, general education, and cocurricular learning outcomes. Data is collected with rubrics, quizzes, and surveys. 

Reporting Schedule

Key program assessment data reports are currently provided on the ORU | Continuous Improvement & Assessment SharePoint site. Data is updated on a daily basis and is available for full-time faculty review at any time. 

Programs create their Annual Program Improvement Plans at the beginning of each academic year. Program faculty analyze the data and close the loop periodically throughout the year. 

Continuous Improvement Cycle

Reporting Scale

A numeric score ranging from 0.00 - 4.00 is generated using key program assessments. Students may receive a score of 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 for each rubric criterion as well as the overall rubric score. Quiz and survey scores are also converted into the 0-4 point scale and used to provide evidence of student learning.

ORU | Continuous Improvement & Assessment SharePoint

ORU uses an internal SharePoint ORU | Continuous Improvement & Assessment to communicate evidence of student learning. There is a unique page for the University, as well as each college, department/school, and program.

Reporting Levels

Click below to view an example of the data reports that provide evidence of learning at each level:

SharePoint Page Example
University PDF
College PDF
Department PDF
Program PDF


Click below to view examples of program data reports:


Communication (B.A.) Data Reports Management (B.S.) Data Reports Teaching and Educational Leadership (M.Ed.) Data Report
College of Arts & Cultural Studies
Communication (B.A.)


Fenimore & Fisher College of Business
Management (B.S.)


College of Education
Teaching and Educational Leadership (M.Ed.)
Nursing (B.S.N.) Data Report Example Engineering (B.S.E.) Data Report Example College of Theology and Ministry Program Reports
College of Health Sciences
Nursing (B.S.N.)


College of Science & Engineering
Engineering (B.S.E.)


College of Theology & Ministry
Ministry & Leadership (B.A.)


Evidence of Student Learning

Assessment System Continuous Improvement

Recent Improvements

- Longitudinal data tables provided to program faculty

Next Steps

- Explore new tools for reporting data

- Create dynamic reporting dashboards that are viewed  on the Continuous Improvement & Assessment SharePoint site


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toward your career.