
Assessment Wheel For both the undergraduate and graduate programs, data has been collected for each learning outcome and summarized in reports to be used for outcome assessment. In biannual, full-faculty assessment meetings, reports of results (with graphs) are reviewed for trends. 

Data is also benchmarked against other institutions based on the Carnegie Classification (institutions comparable in size and degrees granted), programs offered, Christian values, and level of accreditation. Some local competitors and aspirant schools at the AACSB level of accreditation were specifically selected for benchmarking data. Results continue to be positive.


The ETS Major Field Test has been the primary comparative, external, direct, and summative measure for business knowledge in the Fenimore & Fisher College of Business undergraduate program and offers benchmarking information. Data has been collected for several years and has demonstrated positive results. 

Skyfactor Benchworks Exit Interview Surveys (EBI) are the primary comparative, external, indirect, and summative measure for all undergraduate outcomes offering benchmarking information. Data has been collected for multiple years and has demonstrated positive results. 

Assignments in various courses are the primary internal, direct assessment measures of outcomes representing a combination of both formative and summative measures. 

Comparative Results 

Residential Programs


The ETS Major field test has been primary comparative, external, direct, summative measure for business knowledge in the Fenimore & Fisher College of Business graduate program. Data has been collected for several years. 

Assignments in various courses are the primary, internal, direct, assessment measures of outcomes representing a combination of both formative and summative measures. 

Comparative Results 

Residential Programs

Online Programs


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