
Assessment Wheel Mission Learning Outcomes Curriculum Maps Assessment Plan Evidence of Learning Use of Evidence of Learning

The Fenimore & Fisher College of Business (COB) assessment process at both the undergraduate and graduate level begins with determining how the learning outcomes will be measured. The types of measures (or artifacts) must be identified, in addition to the course in which they will be measured. These details are highlighted in the 'Measures' summary document below. Once the measures have been identified, the data is collected, assessed with the appropriate rubrics, and improvements are implemented. The process associated with assessment activities for both the current, proposed and online programs are provided in a summary document below.

Primary assessment measures have included signature assignments in coursework and the ETS Major Field Test (MFT) for both the undergraduate and graduate programs. In addition to these direct measures, most recently for the undergraduate programs, Skyfactor's Exit interview surveys have been used to assess outcomes using an indirect measure based on student reporting. This assessment has offered the opportunity for triangulation of multiple assessment types and sources. The use of the Major Field Test and Skyfactor's Interview surveys (EBI) has further offered the opportunity to benchmark COB students against comparator and aspirant institutions.


Undergraduate Programs Assessment Plan

Graduate Programs Assessment Plan 


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