
This process is for current residents who are seeking to change rooms during the Open Room Change period September 3rd – September 6th. All students desiring to complete a room change must complete one of the following steps:

1.      Contact the Concierge Residential Services office via email concierge@oru.edu.

2.     Submit your request for an appointment by phone at 918-495-7711.

No room changes are permitted prior to your meeting with Concierge Residential Services. Individual(s) who move or switch rooms without written authorization are subject to an Improper Room Change fine of $125.00 and a HOLD placed on your student account.

Room change Guidelines:

1.      Residents are only allowed 1 room change during this period. 

2.      Residents MUST have completed registration for the Fall 2024 semester.

3.      Changes to completely empty double rooms are not permitted UNLESS you bring a roommate.

4.      Any approved room change must be completed within 48 hours. This includes moving all belongings to the new room, checking out of your old room with the RA AND returning your key to the Concierge Residential Services Office (LRC 318).

5.      Individuals seeking to find a different space will come to the Concierge Residential Services Office at their scheduled appointment time. A list of available spaces will be presented and the student can opt to change spaces to one of them at that time or go to meet the current occupant before deciding. Please note that current occupant information cannot be shared during the initial meeting, nor can spaces be held awaiting a decision.

Room Changes: Individuals seeking to find a different space will come to the Housing and Residential Services Office at their scheduled appointment time. A list of available spaces will be presented and the student can opt to change spaces to one of them at that time or go to meet the current occupant before making a decision. Please note that current occupant information cannot be shared during the initial meeting, nor can spaces be held awaiting a decision.

Room/Space Swaps: If 2 individuals are swapping spaces, only one must submit the Room Change Request via email to concierge@oru.edu and provide the Roommate Swap information, such as the first and last names, Z#’s dorm and room #. You will need the Z# of the individual you are switching with. This indicates their willingness to take part in the process. You will need to schedule 1 appointment that both individuals must attend. Housing and Residential Services will make the room adjustment during the appointment. Each individual will still need to complete their check-out process from their old rooms with the RA. No changes will be made unless BOTH individuals are present during the appointment.

Once you have completed the Room Change Request, please sign up for an appointment time here.

Instances where it appears that individuals have been coerced into completing a room change will not be tolerated. Individuals found to be involved in trying to coerce other residents into changing rooms will not be permitted to participate in the room change process and will be required to wait until the open room change process in August. Thank you for your cooperation and respect of each other.

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