Clinical Practice Opportunties
Some of our students' experiences:
Oaxaca, Mexico
Roca Blanca Mission
J. Rabe '09 "My favorite part of the trip was the teaching we did at the local health department...We taught basic information on dental hygiene and urinary tract and yeast infections...I found this very awesome and encouraging. I absolutely love Roca Blanca and can't wait to go back!"

Ndalani, Kenya
Mulley Children's Foundation
C. Conradt, '20 "We were able to do well-child was amazing and it was even more amazing to see the Holy Spirit move when the children were asked what they could pray for us about...the kids were able to act out there own faith."
Accra, Ghana
House of Grace
C. Sims, '13 "I think my favorite and defining moment was when we went to the rural villages and provided care for people that never really got much attention or healthcare." J. Burkybile, '13 There are many things great and small; from seeing life spring forth into the lifeless newborn to leading people to Christ on Valentine's Day."
A few of the places where our students have served and gained valuable experience are:
- Tulsa area hospitals and clinics
- Private and Public offices and clinics
- Non-profit organizations
- Nursing homes and hospice
- Mission and rural clinics
- Cherokee and Creek Nation Health
- Accra, Ghana
- Benin City, Nigeria
- Brazil
- Dominican Republic
- Israel
- Ndalani, Kenya
- Oaxaca, Mexico