
Sample Eagle Card

The Eagle Card Center is responsible for creating and managing ORU's Eagle Card. The Eagle Card is the University's official photo identification card.



The Eagle Card Center

The Eagle Card Center is located on LRC-3.
Office Hours are:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed daily 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. for lunch


Email - eaglecard@oru.edu

Website - oru.edu/eaglecard

What is an Eagle Card?

  • It's your ORU ID
  • It's your library card
  • It's your meal ticket
  • It's your access to the Aerobics Center
  • It's your debit card - Eagle Bucks may be used at many on and off campus businesses for payment of food, merchandise or services.
  • It's your access to residence halls

Eagle Bucks

Eagle Bucks is one of the most useful features of the Eagle Card. It is a debit account that works similar to a bank debit card. Money is placed in an account (Eagle Bucks) that can be drawn on to make purchases at many campus locations and several off campus restaurants.

If you are living on campus, this is a suggested budget (per semester) for students living on campus:

  • Copies/Copy Center $50
  • Vending $25
  • Off-Campus Dining $100 
    Total $175

Just stop by our office or click here to deposit Eagle Bucks on your Eagle Card.

Follett Bucks

Follett Bucks can be used in the University Store at ORU to purchase any items including books, apparel and snacks. Students who have excess funds from their financial aid may be able to transfer the excess funds to their Eagle Card in the form of Follett Bucks. Students can transfer funds online at vision.oru.edu during the first two weeks of the semester. After that two-week period, funds may be transferred to Follett Bucks at Student Accounts. Unused Follett Bucks will rollover to the next semester but are non-refundable.

Commuter Students

Commuter students are encouraged to purchase Eagle Bucks for their food purchases. (Students receive a 5% discount and do not pay sales tax on their Sodexo food purchases. That's an approximate 13% savings when using Eagle Bucks instead of cash at Sodexo dining locations.) Most commuter students average around $500.00 per semester for meals.

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