Master of Arts in
Theological/Historical Studies
Program Overview
As you embark on the next step of your higher education, if you are interested in teaching and research, then the Master of Arts in Theological/Historical Studies might be a great place for you to land. In this plan, you will be equipped to communicate the doctrines of faith and the history of Christianity. Additionally, you will understand and be ready to communicate the basic historical and theological heritage of the Christian faith.
Another exciting facet to this program is the opportunity to have acquaintance with the people, creeds, liturgies, and systems of faith that make up the basic elements of their heritage. Your ability to understand and evaluate the issues and dynamics in the contemporary communities of faith and in contemporary theology will be enhanced, thereby strengthening your ability to defend your faith.
Historical theology provides the conceptual framework for the Master of Arts Theological/Historical Studies program. Proficiency in either theological German or theological French is required for graduation. Another language, however, may be substituted with the approval of the area committee when such a language is especially relevant and clearly demonstrated for the successful completion of a course of study.
This degree is available on the ORU campus and by distance. The distance courses consists of seven weeks online plus weekly virtual classes.
- Communicate the Christian faith in contemporary context.
- Provide an account of the history and development of Christian tradition during specific time periods.
- Provide a systematized overview of the history and theology of the Christian tradition.
- Encourage research that demands critical thinking, historical integration and theological reflection on the part of the student.
- Provide foundational linguistic preparation that enables translation of Scripture and historical documents in German or French for theological research.
- Encourage awareness of the historical development of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement within church history.
- Promote research and critical thinking skills needed to produce an academic thesis.
- Promote a biblical/theological understanding of the person, work and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
- Enable you to articulate clearly their ministry/professional calling.
- Enable you to integrate a specific area of research with a unified historical/theological perspective reflective of degree program courses.
The Graduate School of Theology and Ministry is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting
of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS). The
following degree programs are approved:
Master of Divinity
M.A. Biblical Literature
M.A. Theological/Historical Studies
M.A. in Professional Counseling
M.A. in Intercultural Studies
M.A. in Practical Theology
Doctor of Ministry
PhD in Theology
The Commission contact information is:
The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the U.S.
and Canada
10 Summit Park Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 USA
Telephone: 412.788.6505
Fax: 412.788.6510
Are there scholarships available?
There are several scholarships available to students in the Graduate Program. To learn more about financial aid, click here.
Office of Graduate Admissions
Phone: 918.495.6518