The Banner 9 system is structured to facilitate a comprehensive range of activities within higher education institutions, employing a modular approach tailored to specific administrative and academic functions. This reference resource provides an initial point of reference for interacting with the Banner 9 system, specifically focusing on the Student module. The tables and screens listed here represent generally used tools found across many institutions that utilize Banner 9, though they should be regarded as a starting point for deeper engagement with the system.
Banner Naming Convention
Banner typically uses a code structure that often hints at its function, which can be decoded as follows:
The first letter typically indicates the system area (S = Student, R = Financial Aid,
T = Finance, P = HR/Payroll, etc.).
The second letter often designates the type of information or action (G = General,
A = Application, R = Registration, etc.).
The subsequent letters usually provide more specific information about the screen's
purpose or its connection to other modules.
The ending, often "N" in navigation forms or "I" in inquiry forms, helps users understand
the form's primary function.
Example Modules
1. Student
The Banner 9 Student module is dedicated to managing all aspects of student information and academic administration within an institution. It encompasses a comprehensive suite of tools for handling admissions, registration, grading, and other student-related functions. This module is pivotal for registrars, academic advisors, and other administrative staff involved in student management. Below, I'll outline some common screens used within the Banner 9 Student module, highlighting their functionalities.
SGASTDN (Student General Student) - Manages general student information, registration, and
academic records.
SGAADVR (Student General Advisor) - Used to assign and manage student advisors.
SGASADD (Student Address Summary) - Manages address details for students.
SGSCHRT (Student Schedule) - Provides class schedules for students.
SHATERM (Student Housing Term) - Manages term-specific data for student housing.
SWASTDN (Student Withdrawal) - Manages withdrawal information of students.
SFASLST (Student Financial Aid Status) - Displays the list and status of student financial
aid applications.
SOAHOLD (Student Holds) - Manages holds placed on student accounts affecting registration,
transcripts, etc.
SOATEST (Student Test Scores) - Records and manages standardized test scores received by students.
SOAHSCH (Student High School History) - Manages high school history and records for undergraduate
SORLFOS (Student Leave of Absence Status) - Manages and tracks leave of absence statuses for
SORCATT (Student Course Attributes) - Manages attributes assigned to courses for registration
rules and requirements.
SOAIDEN (Person Search) - Used for searching and identifying person records in the system.
SOADDRQ (Student Address Query) - Used for querying student addresses across the institution.
SFAREGQ (Registration Query) - Provides a query interface for registration details.
SFASTCA (Student Financial Aid Status and Comment) - Manages comments and status updates for
student financial aid.
SFASTCD (Student Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress) - Monitors and records academic
progress for financial aid eligibility.
2. Financial Aid
The Banner 9 Finance module is designed to manage the financial operations of an institution, encompassing accounts receivable, accounts payable, budgeting, and other financial transactions and reporting. Below are compiled a list of common screens used within the Finance module in Banner 9. These screens help manage various aspects of institutional finance, from detailed transaction management to summary financial reporting.
ROAENRL (Enrollment Requirements) - Manages and tracks enrollment requirements necessary for
financial aid eligibility.
RORSTAT (Financial Aid Status) - Displays overall financial aid status for students.
ROARMAN (Award Management) - Manages the financial aid awards for students.
RPAAPLY (Apply for Aid) - Screen where students can apply for various forms of financial aid.
RPAAWRD (Award Aid) - Used by administrators to manage and award student aid.
RPADISB (Disburse Aid) - Manages the disbursement of financial aid to student accounts.
RORRULE (Rule Class Function) - Used to define and manage rules for financial aid processing.
RFRBASE (Financial Aid Base Data Form) - Manages base level data for financial aid processing.
RFRMREQ (Missing Requirements) - Tracks and reports missing requirements for financial aid
RFRDETC (Determination of Conditions) - Used for determining conditions affecting financial
aid eligibility.
RFAPACK (Financial Aid Packaging) - Manages the packaging of different types of aid into student
financial aid offers.
RFAREGS (Financial Aid Registration Status) - Manages and views registration status related
to financial aid eligibility.
RPRATRM (Term-Based Awards) - Manages financial aid awards that are specific to an academic
ROAINST (Institutional Application) - Collects financial aid application information for institutional
ROSLDSC (Loan Discharge and Cancellation) - Manages and processes loan discharges and cancellations.
ROIVNDQ (Vendor Inquiry) - Used for querying vendor details related to financial aid (like
loan providers).
RZHDATA (History Database) - Maintains a history of all financial aid data entries and changes.
3. Finance
The Banner 9 Finance module plays a critical role in ensuring the financial health and regulatory compliance of educational institutions. Its extensive capabilities allow for the effective management of all aspects of institutional finance, from daily transactions to strategic financial planning.
TFADETL (Detail Transactions) - Manages detailed transactions within accounts receivable and
TFACTOR (Account Totals) - Provides summaries of account totals across various categories.
TFABDTP (Budget Pool Transfer) - Manages transfers within and between budget pools.
TGACREV (Cash Receipt Voucher) - Used to record and manage cash receipts.
TGAMASS (Mass Entry Processing) - Facilitates mass entry operations for transactions.
TGIBDST (Budget Status) - Provides a detailed view of the budget status.
TGIACCD (Account Detail Review) - Allows detailed viewing of transactions for a specific account.
TGIJLBD (Journal Voucher Batch Detail) - Manages details of journal voucher batches.
TGRFEED (Feed Process Management) - Manages the processes that feed into financial systems.
TGRAPPL (Applied Payments) - Records and manages applications of payments to accounts.
TGRCASH (Cash Management) - Manages cash handling and related transactions.
TGRCKIN (Check In Processing) - Manages the processing of incoming checks.
THVEND (Vendor Inquiry) - Used for querying vendor details and managing vendor accounts.
TIIACTG (Inter-Institutional Accounting) - Manages accounting for transactions between institutions.
TSAAREV (Accounts Receivable Review) - Used for viewing and managing account balances and
making payments.
TSICSRV (Customer Service) - Manages customer service operations related to finance.
TSADETL (Detailed Account Transactions) - Provides a more granular view of transactions on
TSASUMM (Summary of Accounts) - Provides a summary view of all accounts under management.
4. Human Resource
The Banner 9 Human Resources module is tailored to handle the comprehensive management of employee data, payroll, benefits, and other HR functions within an institution. Below is a list of common screens used within the Human Resources module in Banner 9. This module is essential for managing all aspects of employment from hiring through retirement.
PEAEMPL (Employee Master) - Manages master records for all employees, including demographic
and employment details.
PEBEMPL (Benefits Management) - Handles enrollment, changes, and maintenance of employee benefits.
NBAJOBS (Job Summary) - Displays summary information about job positions held by employees.
NBIJLST (Job List Inquiry) - Allows inquiries into lists of jobs, often used for verifying
job history and current job statuses.
PEAMAIL (Email Addresses) - Manages employee email address records.
PEAALIS (Alias Management) - Handles alternate names or aliases for employees.
PEAHRAC (HR Action Codes) - Manages codes used for HR actions such as appointments, terminations,
and leave.
PEAHOUR (Hourly Rates) - Manages and displays hourly rates for employees.
PDADEDN (Deduction Information) - Manages payroll deductions for each employee.
PDAPAYR (Payroll Authorization) - Manages payroll processing authorizations.
PTREARN (Earnings Type) - Manages types of earnings for employees such as regular, overtime,
bonuses, etc.
PTVEMPL (Employment Verification) - Used for verifying employment status and details.
PHRINTV (Interview Management) - Manages the scheduling and outcomes of interviews for job
PHALEAV (Leave of Absence) - Manages leaves of absence including medical, maternity, and
sabbatical leaves.
PHAHIST (Employee History) - Records and displays historical employment data.
PTVDEPT (Department Table) - Manages departmental data including department codes and descriptions.
PEABDYN (Benefit Dynamics) - Manages dynamic aspects of benefits such as eligibility and level
NHIEDUC (Education History) - Manages records of employee educational background.
NHICLAS (Class Information) - Manages employee classification information.
NHIRELA (Relationships) - Handles information about relationships, such as emergency contacts
or dependents.
5. Accounts Receivable
The Banner 9 Accounts Receivable module is designed to manage all activities related to billing, receiving payments, and managing the accounts of students, organizations, and possibly employees. This module is crucial for handling financial transactions associated with tuition, fees, and other charges. Below are outlined common screens used within the Accounts Receivable module in Banner 9, emphasizing their functionalities.
TFADETL (Detail Transactions) - Manages detailed transactions for accounts receivable, such
as charges, payments, and adjustments.
TFACTOR (Account Totals) - Provides an overview of total balances and transactions by account.
TFAMASS (Mass Data Entry) - Allows for bulk entry of transactions which is useful for processing
multiple accounts at once.
TGACREV (Cash Receipts Entry) - Used to record and manage all cash receipts.
TSAAREV (Accounts Receivable Review) - Provides a comprehensive review of all accounts receivable
TGASRCE (Statement and Report Generator) - Generates billing statements and financial reports
for accounts.
TFARFEV (Fee Assessment) - Used to assess and apply fees to student accounts automatically.
TFIMISC (Miscellaneous Transactions) - Manages miscellaneous transactions not directly related
to student billing.
TGITRNS (Transfer Transactions) - Handles transfers of amounts between different accounts
or account types.
TFACRSE (Course Fee Management) - Manages and applies specific fees associated with particular
TGIACCD (Account Detail Inquiry) - Provides detailed inquiry functionality for reviewing specific
account transactions.
TSICSRV (Customer Service Interface) - Used to manage interactions and transactions from a
customer service perspective.
TFIADJT (Adjustment Transactions) - Allows for adjustments to be made to an account for corrections
or updates.
TFAINVT (Inventory Transactions) - Manages inventory-related transactions if applicable.
TFAPDPL (Payment Plan Setup) - Used to set up and manage payment plans for students or other
account holders.
TFABILL (Billing Process Management) - Manages the billing processes, including generating
and sending out bills.
TFARGRP (Group Billing Management) - Allows for the management of billing groups for special
billing arrangements.
TFACOLL (Collections Management) - Manages collections activities for overdue accounts.
6. Advancement
The Banner 9 Advancement module is specifically tailored for managing relationships and interactions with alumni, donors, and other constituents involved in the advancement activities of an institution. This module plays a critical role in fundraising, campaign management, and maintaining engagement with the community to support the institution’s growth and sustainability. Here are common screens used within the Banner 9 Advancement module, highlighting their functionalities.
APAIDEN (Advancement Person Identification) - Manages and identifies donor and alumni records,
including detailed biographic information.
AGADONS (Donor Solicitation Records) - Manages records of solicitations to donors, including
campaigns and appeals.
AGACAMP (Campaign Management) - Used to set up and manage fundraising campaigns, tracking
goals, and achievements.
AGAGIFT (Gift Processing) - Manages the entry and tracking of gifts from donors, including
cash, pledges, and in-kind donations.
AGAMATC (Matching Gifts) - Manages records and processes related to matching gifts from various
AGBCOMM (Communications Management) - Manages all forms of communication with donors and alumni,
including mailings and electronic communications.
AGBPROF (Profile Management) - Manages detailed profiles of constituents, tracking engagement
and interactions over time.
AGAEVEN (Event Management) - Manages events, including registrations, logistics, and participant
AGAMMEM (Membership Management) - Manages membership programs, including membership levels,
benefits, and renewals.
AGAACKN (Acknowledgements) - Handles the creation and management of acknowledgements for donations
and other forms of support.
AGARLNS (Relationships) - Manages relationships between constituents, noting connections and
networks within the community.
AGATRIB (Tribute Gift Tracking) - Manages tribute gifts, including tracking of honorees and
notification to related parties.
AGAVOLS (Volunteer Management) - Manages volunteer records, including assignments, hours,
and appreciation.
AGAPEAT (Pledge and Gift Tracking) - Tracks pledges and gifts over time, managing schedules
for pledge fulfillment.
AGAREPT (Reporting and Analysis) - Provides advanced reporting and analytical tools to gauge
the effectiveness of advancement activities.
AGACONT (Constituent Contact Reports) - Records and reports on contacts made with constituents,
providing insights into engagement strategies.
7. Student Aid
The Banner 9 Student Aid module is designed to manage and administer all aspects of student financial aid, including grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study programs. This module helps institutions efficiently manage and distribute financial aid while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Below, are the common screens used within the Banner 9 Student Aid module, detailing their functionalities.
RPAAPLY (Apply for Aid) - Enables students to apply for various forms of financial aid directly
through the system.
RPAAWRD (Award Aid) - Used by administrators to manage and award financial aid to students.
RPADISB (Disburse Aid) - Manages the disbursement of financial aid to student accounts, ensuring
accurate and timely delivery.
RORRULE (Financial Aid Rule Setup) - Used to define and manage rules that govern the distribution
and eligibility of financial aid.
RFRDETC (Determination of Conditions) - Assesses conditions affecting eligibility for financial
aid for individual students.
RFAPACK (Financial Aid Packaging) - Manages the packaging process, combining different types
of aid to meet the financial needs of students.
RPRATRM (Term-Based Awards) - Handles financial aid awards specific to certain academic terms.
RZHDATA (History Database) - Maintains a comprehensive history of all student aid data entries
and changes.
ROIVNDQ (Vendor Inquiry) - Used for managing information and inquiries related to vendors
involved in student aid, such as loan providers.
RZIPEXP (ISIR Processing and Export) - Manages the processing of Institutional Student Information
Record (ISIR) data and exports to other systems.
RZIREPT (ISIR Reporting) - Generates reports based on ISIR data for analysis and auditing
RPALOAN (Loan Management) - Manages the recording and tracking of student loans and their
repayment schedules.
RPAFUND (Fund Management) - Oversees the allocation and management of financial aid funds.
RPAMEMO (Memo Aid) - Manages memo (anticipated) aid, which represents expected financial aid
that has not yet been disbursed.
RPAPELR (Pell Grant Reporting) - Handles reporting and management of Pell Grant distributions.
RORPROF (Professional Judgment) - Manages professional judgments which allow for adjustments
to financial aid based on special circumstances.
8. Self-Service
The Banner 9 Self-Service module is designed to provide students, faculty, and staff with direct access to personal and institutional information. It facilitates a wide range of activities, from registration and grades to personal information management and financial services. This module is critical for empowering users by providing them with tools to manage their interaction with various institutional functions online. Here are some common screens used within the Banner 9 Self-Service module, along with their functionalities.
SSBHOME (Self-Service Home) - Acts as the central hub or homepage for all self-service activities,
providing users with navigation and status updates.
SSBREG (Registration) - Allows students to register for classes, drop or add courses, and
view their current schedule.
SSBGRAD (Grades) - Enables students to view their grades and academic history.
SSBACCT (Account Information) - Provides access to account balances, payment options, and
detailed transaction histories.
SSBPROF (Personal Profile) - Allows users to update personal information such as addresses,
phone numbers, and emergency contacts.
SSBFINA (Financial Aid) - Provides students with access to their financial aid information,
including awards, disbursements, and eligibility status.
SSBEMPR (Employee Self-Service) - Allows employees to view and manage employment information,
including payroll, benefits, and tax forms.
SSBDEPT (Department Services) - Enables departmental staff to manage course listings, faculty
assignments, and class rosters.
SSBTECH (Technical Support) - Provides users with access to technical support resources, help
guides, and troubleshooting tools.
SSBHR (Human Resources) - Facilitates access to HR-related information for staff, including
leave balances, benefit details, and job summaries.
SSBFAC (Faculty Services) - Allows faculty to access teaching schedules, enter grades, and
manage advisement records.
SSBADM (Administrative Services) - Provides administrative users with access to critical
institutional reporting and management tools.
SSBSECR (Security Management) - Manages user roles, access rights, and security settings within
the self-service environment.
SSBLIBR (Library Services) - Integrates library services allowing users to access library
accounts, checkouts, and online resources.
SSBALUM (Alumni Services) - Offers alumni access to their records, event information, and
community resources.
SSBHEAL (Health Services) - Provides students access to health records, appointments, and
wellness programs.
9. Technical
The Banner 9 Technical module is primarily focused on the backend and infrastructure aspects of the Banner system, dealing with system administration, data management, and technical configurations. This module is crucial for IT professionals and system administrators who manage and maintain the Banner environment. Below are outlined some common screens used within the Banner 9 Technical module, highlighting their functionalities.
GUAOBJS (General User Access Objects) - Manages access to objects within the system, controlling
which users can see and interact with various data elements and screens.
GTVSDAX (Security Class Access) - Defines security classes and specifies access permissions
for different user groups.
GUASYST (System Control) - Manages system-wide settings and parameters that affect how the
Banner system operates.
GUAMESG (Message Center) - Manages system messages, including error messages and information
alerts that are displayed to users.
GUAUPRF (User Preferences) - Allows administrators to set and manage user preferences for
various functions within Banner.
GJAPCTL (Process Submission Controls) - Manages the submission and control of processes and
jobs within the Banner system.
GJIREVO (Job Submission Review) - Provides a review and audit trail of jobs submitted within
the system, tracking their execution and status.
GOAMTCH (Match/Merge Information) - Used to manage and execute match/merge operations for
data cleansing and deduplication.
GOAINTL (Integration Tools) - Manages tools and processes for integrating Banner with other
systems, including data imports and exports.
GOAMUSR (Maintenance of User Security) - Manages user security profiles, including access
rights and password controls.
GTVINSM (Institution Codes Setup) - Manages institution-specific codes and settings that are
used throughout the Banner system.
GURDIST (Data Distribution Engine) - Manages the distribution of data across different systems
and platforms, ensuring data consistency and security.
GTVDATA (Data Standards) - Defines and manages data standards and conventions that are used
within the Banner environment.
GTVFLDS (Field Identification) - Manages the identification and properties of fields within
the Banner database.
GTVPARM (Parameter Maintenance) - Manages parameters for various processes and functions within
Banner, ensuring they are correctly set for operational efficiency.
*** These are examples of the Banner Naming in screens offered, but not necessarily used by ORU. If you need access to a screen, please request through your activity director and submit the following request for change of access: Banner Screen Access Request Form