Master of Arts in
Leadership & Global Engagement
Program Overview
The MA in Leadership Global Engagement prepares students to courageously respond to the challenges and opportunities of a globalized world by providing educational and formative experiences through which they learn to facilitate constructive change in a culturally sensitive manner as they seek, through the empowerment of the Spirit, to effectively address the complex issues of toda y’s world.
Career Pathways for Grads
- Missions Organizations
- NGO’s
- Parachurch Ministries
Program Outcomes
- Articulate a foundational knowledge of Christian apologetics, world religions, and secular worldviews, with an emphasis on the Spirit-empowered tradition and a demonstrated capacity to apply this learning to contemporary issues.
- Demonstrate global awareness by exercising the competencies necessary for effective cultural exegesis and engagement, especially as these relate to respectfully managing differences.
- Display increased emotional a nd spiritua l intelligence while pa rticipa ting in the GSTM’s forma tiona l process, a s reflected in increased expressions of the Spirit’s fruit a nd the ca pa city to hea r God’s voice.
- Exhibit Spirit-empowered leadership by cultivating spiritual discernment, spiritual gifts, and strength of character.