Reset your ORU password
Because your password is connected with so many multiple systems at ORU, the password reset feature is accommodated within the official MS Office account recovery function. Microsoft does this to ensure that all applied accounts with your authentication are changed at the same time. For this reason, you will be asked to recover your account by Microsoft and provide complete MFA (Multi Factor Authentication). Please be patient and follow the process through and be assured you are only resetting your password for ORU'S Single-sign-on environment.
Please select the 'Recover Password' button to proceed with resetting your password. Also, please feel free to contact the ORU Helpdesk at or 918-495-6315
To reset your password, you will need to go through the process of recovering your account. This means you will be asked to complete MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) before resetting your password. Please select the recover password button to continue.
Your new password must meet these requirements:
- Have a minimum length of 12 characters
- Contain uppercase and lowercase letters
- Contain numbers
- Contain special characters (!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*)
- The password can not have any part of your name or Z#