
In preparation for a possible extreme weather event, ORU has designated areas on campus as Tornado and Severe Weather Shelters. At the direction of ORU Officials, DPS&S Officers will assist in the evacuation of campus personnel to these designated shelters. In Oklahoma, Tornados have more commonly occurred in the evening and overnight hours. The on-duty DPS&S supervisor has the responsibility of monitoring the local weather broadcast when potentially hazardous weather is approaching the Tulsa metropolitan area. Should Tulsa Emergency Management sound the Tornado sirens in the early morning hours when campus officials may be unavailable, the DPS&S Supervisor will order the evacuation of our resident halls into our designated shelters.

Operational Readiness (Pre-Storm)

ORU Directors will assure that duty staff is at full capacity when a severe weather alert has been issued.


  • Call in additional staff
  • Assure that equipment potentially necessary for such an emergency is in repair and operable
  • Assure that all apparatus and equipment is full and fueled
  • Check mobile and portable radios and have all batteries fully charged

The Storm

Take all precautions necessary to protect personnel and equipment and remain in place. (Do not attempt to respond while the Tornado is on the ground)

Aftermath (Emergency Response)

Following a Tornado, ORU Operations' first responsibility shall be to create the necessary egress to allow emergency responders to access the involved areas of the campus in order to aid the injured and to prevent additional injuries. Studies have shown that up to 50% of Tornado-related injuries were suffered during rescue attempts, cleanup and other related activities, most of which involve stepping on nails, or being hit by falling objects. Additionally, because Tornados often damage power lines, gas lines or electrical systems, the risk of fire, electrocution or an explosion are high. These systems must be immediately addressed.

All personnel should immediately respond to the G-lot in front of the Hamill Center for assignnumt. Should the G-lot be inaccessible the alternative site is the Mabee A-lot.

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