
Vast Possibilities Await Our Graduates

Career opportunities following completion of your ORU degree are as diverse as your individual interests and calling. Because of our rigorous academic requirements, the whole person orientation of our programs and the reputation of our professors, graduates from ORU's College of Science and Engineering are widely regarded and often sought after by businesses far beyond the Tulsa area.

The following are a few of the post-college career paths our graduates have followed:


Name of Program
Career Path Followed*
Applied Science
  • Operations Manager
  • Systems Administrator
  • Scientist
  • Medical School
  • Dental School
  • Biology or Science Teacher
  • Conservation Biology
  • Environmental Consulting or Research
  • Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Equipment Sales
  • Hospital and Public Health Administrations
  • Research in Energy, Environmental, Pharmacy and Medicine
  • Medical School
  • Dental School
  • Other Health Professions
  • Graduate school
  • LAN Administrators
  • Web Developer
  • Mobile App Developer
  • Software Developers
Computer Science
  • Graduate School
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Applications Architect
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Graduate School
  • Counseling
  • Human Resources
  • Teaching
  • Graduate School
  • Actuary
  • Data Scientist
  • Financial Analyst
Social Work            
  • Graduate School
  • Child Welfare
  • Private Practice Social Work
  • Nonprofit Organization Management
  • Government Social Worker
  • Engineering
  • Product Design
  • Electronics
  • Medical Physics

* Advanced education required for many career paths.

Organizations Recruiting Our Graduates at ORU's Recent Career Events:
  • Addison Group 
  • American Red Cross
  • Arbonne International
  • Arkansas Department of Health Services' Associated Centers for Therapy
  • Baker Hughes
  • Bulwark
  • City of Tulsa
  • Coffeyville Regional Medical Center
  • Community Care Managed Healthcare of Oklahoma   
  • Dell
  • eMonarch, LLC
  • Family & Children Services
  • Finish Line
  • Gabrielson Marketing/Calltracker     
  • Harvest Mexico Ministries
  • IBM
  • Literacy & Evangelism International
  • Medical Consultants, Inc.
  • Mercy Ships
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Navico Electronics
  • Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences
  • Oklahoma Department of Corrections
  • RAE Corporation
  • RSU Public Television
  • St. Francis Academy
  • St. Francis South
  • Tulsa Advocates for the Rights of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (TARC)
  • Tulsa City-County Health Department
  • United States Army
  • Word Indigenous Mission

Take the next step
toward your career.