WSJ/Times Higher Ed: ORU Ranks High for Student Engagement and Environment
Friday, September 18, 2020
Dr. Charles Scott, Vice President of External Affairs
Office: 918.495.7312
Tulsa, OK – Oral Roberts University is again recognized among the best in the nation for student engagement in the 2021 Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Ranking. ORU tied for 5th in the nation out of nearly 800 institutions. Student engagement is measured through a student survey and looks at a number of factors including interaction with faculty, collaborative learning, critical thinking, how the university supports students applying what they learn to the real world, the extent to which classes challenge students, and whether they would recommend the school to others.
“The faculty at ORU is amazing,” said ORU President Dr. William M. Wilson. “Our professors care deeply about the students, pray with them, support them, and during the pandemic have gone above and beyond to help them succeed, whether that’s in person or virtually.”
ORU also ranked in the top 100 for its environment, which includes criteria such as faculty diversity and number of international students, as well as student diversity and inclusion.
“ORU is one of the most diverse colleges in the country with 115 nations represented in the student body this fall,” said Wilson. “Our goal is to have a student from every nation studying at ORU. We are developing whole leaders, so when they graduate they are prepared to impact the world.”
The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Ranking focuses its findings on student success and learning, adopting a balanced scorecard approach with 15 individual performance indicators to create an overall score to reflect the broad strength of an institution.