Oral Roberts University Statement on Passing of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Stephanie Hill, Director of University Relations & Communications
Office: 918.495.7337, Mobile: 918.720.5548
Tulsa, OK - Oral Roberts University honors the legacy of German evangelist Reinhard
Bonnke and mourns alongside his family and friends at the news of his passing today.
Even so, we take great joy in the knowledge that, as Reinhard is welcomed into heaven,
he joins countless numbers of people who are there because of his ministry. His impact
upon the Kingdom of God will be felt for generations.
“Reinhard Bonnke was the most fruitful evangelist in Christian history; his ministry touched millions including me,” said ORU President Dr. William M. Wilson. “His example, his integrity, his anointing, his focus, and his message all served as a profound inspiration. He was the most single-minded minister I have ever met. Today, his true reward began.”
Bonnke spoke at ORU several times over the years, most recently in 2014 at the University’s annual Fall Revival, and two of his children, Fred and Susanne Bonnke attended the University. In 2015, he was awarded a Lifetime Global Achievement Award during ORU’s 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Bonnke founded Christ for All Nations in 1974 and was by many accounts the most effective and prolific evangelist in history, with over 77 million recorded salvations during his ministry. His crusades were groundbreaking in scope, regularly drawing hundreds of thousands and even millions, with the 1.6 million people in attendance at a single service during his November, 2000 crusade in Lagos, Nigeria.