


Purpose: To acknowledge and express appreciation for outstanding service by staff at Oral Roberts University and University Broadcasting. 

Criteria: Employees exhibiting significant behavior that prevents or reduces problems from occurring, those practicing service skills to restore customer satisfaction, interacting with and serving others, those who have contributed cost-saving ideas for the university or customer, or those communicating effectively while interacting with and serving others, sustained high level of productivity and consistent quality of work or demonstrated a high degree of initiative in the performance of responsibilities. There are two types of Customer Service Awards, interal and external. 

Internal customer service involves interacting with colleagues within the department and across campus. These interactions include communicating effectively with respect and a servant’s heart. The two winners of this award exemplify outstanding problem solving and resolution skills in a timely manner. They are an integral part of an effective workflow that work tirelessly behind the scenes. They have formed tight bonds with those they work with and have created a culture of professionalism in their respective offices. Whether it is managing student workers, streamlining a project in the office, coordinating with their colleagues or supervisors, these two winners have demonstrated what it means to provide exceptional customer service in serving their fellow faculty and staff on campus.

External customer service involves working hand-in-hand with our student population, our customers, as they work towards earning their degrees and life lessons while attending ORU. These interactions include communicating effectively with respect and a servant’s heart. Our students provide us with many opportunities to provide customer service, and these two winners excel in creating a positive lasting memory with how they serve their students by reducing reoccurring problems. The two winners of this award exemplify creative problem solving skills and are able to find resolutions consistently. Their desire to serve the students, whether it is helping with degree guidance or mentoring, shows how these two winners demonstrate what it means to provide extraordinary customer service to our student body.

Eligibility: To be eligible for the Customer Service Award, an employee must have been employed for at least six (6) months. Positions at Assistant Vice-President level and above will be omitted from the pool. Recipients from the preceding three years will also be omitted.

Nomination Process: Nominations may be submitted by faculty, staff, or students.  Nominations should be submitted using the nomination form. Additional documentation may be submitted and must be relevant to the nomination.  Nominations may include endorsements from other employees or work-related individuals who are qualified to assess nominee's performance.  

Selection Process: All nominations will be reviewed by the Customer Service Awards Committee. The committee will rank the nominations and select two internal and two external recipients. Human Resources will confirm that each employee's work performance is satisfactory in order to win an award. Information and nominations discussed in the committee meetings will remain confidential. The Committee Chair will submit the names of the award recipients and corresponding documentation to the Director of Human Resources for processing.

Committee Selection and Meetings: Each Cabinet member will designate one key person from any of their areas as a committee member. A member of the Human Resources Department will Chair the committee meeting. Committee members will meet after all nominations have been received to determine and select award recipients. 

Notification: Awards will be announced during the Customer Service Awards Ceremony, held at the start of the new year to celebrate the year prior. 

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