
Dr. Julianna Goelzer comes to Oral Roberts University with 7 years of biotech experience, with an emphasis on quantitative live cell fluorescence microscopy. Her doctoral research focused on developing single molecule, live cell imaging techniques that could be used to interpret human genome sequencing data.

Dr. Goelzer is passionate about children’s ministry. She loves finding new ways to use hands-on science experiments as object lessons to demonstrate truths about the gospel. 

In the classroom, Dr. Goelzer is passionate about making difficult scientific concepts accessible to everyone. She encourages her students to experience the wonder of God’s creation, pursue excellence, and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. She believes that, as shown with the praying hands, healing for our world will come through the united front of prayer, science, and medicine.

Her research interests include the development of new quantitative fluorescence microscopy, live cell imaging of the human genome, RNA kinetics, and epigenetic bioinformatics. Her most recent publication, “Nuclear envelope mechanobiology: linking the nuclear structure and function”, highlights the use of live cell imaging in understanding the role of mechanical signals of the cell. 

Dr. Goelzer received her B.S. in Biology from Oral Roberts University, her M.S. in Biomolecular Sciences from Boise State, her Bioinformatics Certification from University of Hawaii, and her Ph.D. in Biomolecular Science from Boise State University. 

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