
Copyright Laws

Please be reminded that the Copy Services staff is obligated to follow current Federal Copyright Laws.

According to "fair use" guidelines, copyrighted material may be reproduced for nonprofit, educational purposes in limited quantities. As a general rule, 10% or less of a single published work may be reproduced if the reproduction is not taking potential sales away from the original (e.g. you are not merely making a copy so that you don't have to pay for the original). The exact rules vary on a case-by-case basis.

Larger quantities may be reproduced for nonprofit, educational purposes with permission from the publisher. 

For more in-depth guidelines for reproducing copyrighted materials for instructional purposes, visit http://oru.libguides.com/copyright.

Walk-Up Copy Services

Walk-up copy service is available for requests of 250 total copies or less. All requests in excess of 250 copies should be submitted for processing and later pick-up.

Copies can be produced from originals or from electronic files accessed from USB flash drives, email,or the D2L website. PDF is the preferred format when possible.

Paper size up to 12x18 are available.

Full color laser copying, folding, cutting, three-hole punching, laminating, and binding (coil, comb, velo, and wiro) are also available.

For larger jobs or projects that require the use of back production equipment, a work order form should be filled out and the job should be dropped off for pick-up completion.

Submitting Work Orders

The online ordering system is available for faculty and staff use. All information regarding your request should be filled out and an electronic file attached.  Alternately, a work request form may be completed, attached to a hard copy, and given to the copy services front counter staff.

Use of the online ordering system and electronic files are preferred as much as possible. Copy Services will be able to produce a better quality reproduction from an electronic file than a physical one.

Turnaround Times

Rush: Three hours or less

Priority: More than three hours and less than three days

Normal: Three days or more

Departmental pricing is based on the requested turnaround time. You can get the best possible pricing for your department if you allow at least three days for completion of your job.

Please be aware that more complex work will require longer production times. In general, larger jobs and jobs that require hand finishing work (scoring, folding, saddle-stapling, etc.) take more time to complete. Feel free to contact us to discuss the details of your project and the necessary time frame. 

Pick-up and Delivery

Students will submit and pick up their orders at the front customer service counter.

Faculty and staff may choose to pick up their completed orders at the front counter or have them delivered to their departments. In-house deliveries (those within the LRC/GC building) occur between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. The outside delivery run to all other buildings begins at 1:00 p.m. If work is needed before a regularly scheduled run, it will need to be picked up the the department's personnel.


The following guidelines are designed to maintain the security of exams:

  • Submit the exam through the online work order system or complete a work request form and attach it to a hard copy of the exam.
  • If submitting a work request form with a hard copy of the exam, place it in an envelope and give it directly to the delivery person or bring it to the Copy Services front counter.
  • Exams may not be submitted or picked up by a student.
  • Exams are given top priority.
  • The exact number of copies requested will be produced and originals returned to the requester.
  • Exams are kept behind the front service counter for pick-up or are placed in an envelope for delivery to department offices. The individual picking up or receiving the exams must sign a form to confirm receipt.
  • Copy Services does not employ work-study students, and no student will have access to exams.

If you have questions, please contact:

Copy Service Desk

918.495.6854 copyservices@oru.edu

Heather Humphrey, Team Lead

918.495.6849 hehumphrey@oru.edu

Scott Davis, Customer Operations Manager

918.495.6847 sdavis@oru.edu




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