
Dave joins ORU after a 40-year career in industry which began in a large public accounting firm, moved into privately owned entities, progressing from accounting manager to controller to VP Finance to CFO with various U.S. headquartered businesses. Those global entities had operations in several U.S. states and several countries including Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, China, India, the Netherlands, France, Germany, South Korea and Japan.  

Dave was blessed to have been with several rapidly growing businesses providing opportunities to work with all the major U.S. commercial banks and several of the largest international banks. He was involved in dozens of mergers and acquisitions from both the buy and sell side resulting in the opportunity to work with several investment banks, private equity firms and various entities that assist those types of transactions.

Dave received his B.S. in Accounting and MBA from Oral Roberts University and has been a career long supporter of the university, particularly as one of the original founders of the Crusader Scholarship Fund which benefits ORU students and with whom he is still active.  Dave is adamant about providing scholarships to deserving students since he was the first in his family to go to college and his parents could not financially assist. He had to pay his own way to school and was several times within days of being “de-enrolled” because he couldn’t pay. He received scholarships, was an RA, worked while in school and over the summer to get the funds for school. Miraculously, God always provided.

Dave is always seeking to live the whole man concept to embody a well-balanced person by being strong in body, mind and spirit. He desires to use his wide variety of experiences to bring alive the academic material for the students, to inspire them to be leaders, utilizing their God given talents in their chosen and called field for global impact.

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toward your career.