
Jane Malcolm brings years of research experience from the corporate world to her position in the J. D. McKean Library. 

After completing a Bachelor of Liberal Arts with high honors from ORU and a Master of Library Science from Emporia State University, she served first as an academic librarian and then a corporate librarian before founding Professional Research Services to serve the research needs of clients in a wide variety of industries. 

In 2003, Mrs. Malcolm returned to the ORU where she now serves as Research Services Librarian and library liaison to the School of Liberal Arts, the School of Communication & Public Affairs, and the Fenimore Fisher College of Business. In 2005, she created a course in Competitive Business Intelligence, which she still teaches. In this course and in special sessions with many business classes, she teaches students to strategically select and use the best tools to find reliable, authoritative information to solve problems and make sound decisions.

“Having the right information at the right time is critical to success,” is one of Professor Malcolm’s favorite sayings and is a recurring theme in her teaching. Finding information and teaching others to find, evaluate and use information is her greatest passion.

She says: “I am thankful for the opportunity to pass on this important skill to those who will truly value and benefit from it. I am convinced that God brought me here to give me the opportunity to plant seeds in the next generation and empower them to find information that will make them more effective in whatever God has called them to do. It is a great honor to help to equip students to become whole leaders for the whole world.”

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