
Brittany Grove, Partnership Coordinator for the College of Education, brings a background of teaching and administrative experience to Oral Roberts University. She has spent her education career in a myriad of capacities including third grade teacher where she served as lead teacher for both her grade level and various school-wide initiatives, sponsor and tutor for after-school activities, English Language teacher for adults, and as an assistant principal. Brittany has also been involved in teaching around the globe where she created curricula for governments of other countries and anti-trafficking organizations in the United States. She was the recipient of a two-year fellowship studying trauma-responsive teaching and schools.  

As an alumna of Oral Roberts University, Brittany returned to ORU as an adjunct professor in January of 2019 before moving into full-time faculty in August of 2022. Brittany teaches a variety of undergraduate courses, such as Introduction to Education, Literature and Multimodal Texts, Professional Education Seminar, and Whole Child Education.  In addition to the courses she teaches, Brittany facilitates partnerships between local schools and the College of Education coordinating school placements  and MOUs for all of the undergraduate pre-clinical and student teaching experiences. Brittany is heavily involved with the 5th Year Mentoring Program as a presenter and mentor for the recent graduates of the College of Education. She enjoys coaching young graduates through their first and second years of teaching!

Brittany earned her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from ORU and her Masters of Education in Administration, Curriculum, and Supervision from the University of Oklahoma. She is certified in Elementary Education, Teaching English as a Second Language, and Principal for P-12 schools. 

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