
Dr. Clarence Boyd enrolled as a freshman at Oral Roberts University in 1973. He felt compelled to attend ORU, although it did not line up with his church background at the time. As the son of an African Methodist Episcopal Church pastor, there was quite a gap between the two. His Methodist upbringing did not prepare him for what the Lord had planned for his life. Oral Roberts University would ultimately open his eyes in many ways, especially as it relates to the work of the Holy Spirit in one’s life. 

Dr. Boyd’s life was dramatically changed, and his future was altered as a result of attending ORU. His vision for his future involved athletics. As a result, he ultimately became the Dorm Director for the newly built Athletic Dorm in 1977. God’s favor was upon his life as he found favor with many in leadership. Dr. Boyd spent forty-six years working in the Student Life Department and served as the Vice-President of Student Life for the last five years of his tenure in the Student Life Department. 

He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1977. He then earned a Master of Arts in Practical Theology in 1998. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2002. All of his degrees were from ORU. He met his wife, Dr. Kim E. Boyd, at ORU. They are the proud parents of four children, all graduates of ORU as well. He is now serving as the Chaplain for the ORU faculty as well as teaching in the Graduate School of Theology. Dr. Boyd loves working with the students of ORU, but teaching has become even more of a passion for him. He mentors students in general but is passionate about helping young men realize who they are and their created role in life and family. Raising up the next generation as Spirit-Empowered Leaders is his calling and the reason why he is at Oral Roberts University.

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