D2L Video Tutorials

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[This is where we can host a PDF download or transcribed instructions for this step]

[This is where we can host a PDF download or transcribed instructions for this step]

[This is where we can host a PDF download or transcribed instructions for this step]

[This is where we can host a PDF download or transcribed instructions for this step]

[This is where we can host a PDF download or transcribed instructions for this step]
- How do I log in to my account?
The login page for D2L is located at https://d2l.oru.edu. - What is my username/password?
Your username is your Z number, and your password is the same password you use to log in to your Novell account, and your ORU email account. - What if I forgot my username/password?
If you've forgotten your password, go to the this link and type in your Z number. - What are the differences between D2L, Vision, and ePortfolio?
- D2L is where you go to view and upload your homework.
- Vision is the system that takes care of items such as paying tuition, changing your address, or registering for classes.
- ePortfolio is a place to upload your final pieces of work, be graded on them and then be able to show them off to potential interviewers to acquire a job after you finish college.
- Where can I go for more help?
For more help, please email d2lhelp@oru.edu.
- I don't have an account with Zoom, or I want to get started using Zoom. What should
I do?
Here is a guide you can follow to help you get started: Zoom Setup. - I have an account, but how to I start using Zoom, or how do I create a new session
for others to join?
Follow these instructions: Starting a new Zoom Session. - Can I use my Android or iPhone to join/create a Zoom session?
Yes, you can. Click here for a helpful guide.