Think back to your time at ORU. The friends you made ... the faculty members who had such an amazing impact on your life ...
the blessing of worshiping God in chapel with fellow believers ... the social activities that were a welcome break from studying ...
participating in intramural sports ... and cheering on your Titans/Golden Eagles!
Ah, memories. We have plenty, and we’d love to hear some of yours! Please use this form to share them with us.
At the same time, we want today’s students to make marvelous memories of their own.
You can ensure that ORU is a great place for current and future students
to fill their memory banks by supporting the Annual Fund.
This year, we held a friendly class competition to encourage Annual Fund support.
The Class of 1970 had the highest percentage of donors and the Class of 1980 raised
the most in funds.
Thanks to everyone who took part in the "Show Your Class" competition!
Submit Your Photos Here