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ORU Student Recognized for Outstanding Leadership Abilities

Hannah CovingtonOral Roberts University senior Hannah Covington has been recognized with a 2013 Student Leadership Award from Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society. The award is presented to students for outstanding service to Sigma Tau Delta at the chapter level and recognizes commitment to promote chapter membership and inspire Sigma Tau Delta involvement on campus.

Covington has served as ORU’s Sigma Tau Delta chapter president since Fall 2011. During that time, she collaborated with chapter sponsor, Kay Meyers, and ORU’s student veteran organization sponsor, Lanny Endicott, to compose a grant narrative for holding student veteran writing workshops on campus.

The project focuses on sharing the value of journaling with ORU student veterans, spreading awareness about the merit of writing when recovering from traumatic events, and the struggles of veterans in general. Covington’s proposal was one of three in the nation selected by Sigma Tau Delta to be awarded grants.

Covington has also worked with Endicott to establish a connection between ORU’s Sigma Tau Delta chapter and the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Muskogee, Okla. Through this program chapter members help veterans record their stories from war. In addition to working with veterans, Covington organized a book drive to promote literacy and helped plan the English Department’s annual one-act play contest each spring.

“Out of all the things I’ve done as president of ORU’s Sigma Tau Delta chapter,” said Covington, “I would consider the continued work with veterans to be my fondest memory and greatest legacy.”

Covington will be honored during a ceremony on February 27 in Savannah, Ga. As the winner of the Student Leadership Award, she will receive $250 and a plaque.

For more information about ORU’s English and Modern Language program, visit www.oru.edu/current_students/my_academics/schools/college_of_arts_cultural_studies/english_modern_languages/ .

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