Oxford Professors to ORU
Tulsa, OK - Oral Roberts University is excited to welcome Wonsuk and Julie Ma to the College of Theology and Ministry after spending 10 years at Oxford. They join the university with a vast amount of experience in Biblical research and study. The Ma’s, originally from Korea, worked at the Oxford Center for Mission Studies, which has become Europe’s largest PhD program. “I am grateful for my research especially in Pentecostal missiology”, Julie says. Before teaching at Oxford the couple lived in the Philippines for 27 years where Wonsuk served as a pastor and in church planting.
In addition to their time at Oxford, the Ma’s academic experience includes teaching at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in the Philippines and Hansei University in Goonpo, Korea. Wonsuk has been a guest instructor at Bethesda Christian University and Central Bible College in Tokyo. His academic experience also includes a Visiting Fellowship at Yale Divinity School.
The Ma’s say they agreed to come to ORU after they felt their work at Oxford was accomplished.
Julie says they knew it was God’s will when “the Lord graciously provided several
powerful confirmations.” She says, “God intervened in our moving and finding a house.
He made everything go smooth and well.” Wonsuk is serving as a distinguished professor
as he works on a new PhD program. Julie is excited to return to a classroom setting
to teach mission courses and to interact with students. She is also excited by ORU’s
vision and culture. The Ma’s look forward to making Tulsa their new favorite home.