New Dean of Learning Resources
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Stephanie Hill, Director of University Relations & Communications
Office: 918.495.7337, Mobile: 918.720.5548
Tulsa, OK - Oral Roberts University President Dr. William M. Wilson announced today
that Dr. Mark Roberts has been promoted to Dean of Learning Resources, taking over
and expanding the role filled by founding Dean, Dr. William Jernigan, who served the
University for more than 50 years.
"We are so thrilled to have Dr. Roberts moving into this position," said Dr. Wilson. "He truly is the right person not only to continue the high level of service developed by Dr. Jernigan, but also to lead us into the future of digitization which will allow us to serve students globally.”
Dr. Roberts says the Library spends more each year on electronic resources than on physical books, but also points to studies that suggest 90% of university students worldwide prefer printed materials for academic reading. He feels he is uniquely qualified to unite the two spheres of digitization and printed material.
“Libraries are also expanding their traditional service of acquiring materials, cataloging them, and helping patrons use them,” said Dr. Roberts. “Today’s academic libraries are also publishing materials for their own communities and for the world at large. The ORU Library has begun this 180-degree turn in expanding its service through the online Digital Showcase, a newly launched repository of scholarly, creative and historical items in all media.” (The Digital Showcase is available to view at
“We look forward to Dr. Roberts leading the transformation of the library into a complete Learning Resource Center, making it a one-stop shop for all students’ academic needs beyond the classroom, the lab and the professor’s office,” said Dr. Kathaleen Reid-Martinez, Provost.
“The ORU Library is already trending this way to fuel the university’s commitment to help each student succeed academically, vocationally and spiritually,” said Dr. Roberts.
Dr. Roberts's new role is effective June 26, 2017.