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Developing Whole Leaders for the whole World


ORU alumnus serves as advocate for persecuted Christians

By Ally Powell ('13)

Isaac SixOral Roberts University alumnus Isaac Six never imagined he would be living in Washington, D.C., serving persecuted Christians.

He grew up overseas with parents as missionaries and graduated from ORU in May 2011.

"I knew that I was called to some form of missions work, but I never thought it would be assisting persecuted Christians," says Six.

Six was appointed to an advocacy officer and regional manager position for International Christian Concern (ICC) in September 2011. ICC is nondenominational group founded to assist persecuted Christians across the globe. They also designate funds to reestablish broken churches.

In this position, Six has the opportunity to lobby and meet with congressional officers in order to raise awareness about Christian persecution in southeast Asia.

"My job has me managing and developing projects in Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, China, North Korea and a few others."

Twice a year, Six travels to southeast Asia to observe and minister to Christians suffering from persecution. Aside from travel, Six meets with congressional offices and state Department officers in order to address worldwide religious freedom. He also researches news of religious persecution as well as write press releases and project reports.

"The work involves some long hours, but I know this is where God wants me to be and I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with other believers around the world," Six says. "Between working on Capitol Hill and overseas, I am getting a tremendous amount of experience."

Six says his favorite part of working with ICC is knowing that his work directly assists those suffering from persecutions and freedom restraints.

ORU students can also become involved with the mission of ICC by visiting persecution.org. ICC also offers several internships providing hands on experience for students.

"I would like to encourage ORU students to not wait until they graduate to start thinking about what they want to do," says Six. "Plan ahead and get as much hands-on experience as possible.

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