Countdown To Move-In Day August 16, 2025
145 Days away
145 Days away

We’re so excited to have you join our incoming class of Golden Eagles! Below you'll find your next steps to complete prior to beginning classes at ORU.


FAFSA Deadline: April 1
Fall Enrollment Deadline: April 15



  • Your Z-number is located on your acceptance letter (ex. “Z12345678”). Be sure to save this important number!

z number

  • Secure your scholarships and reserve your spot in the incoming class by paying the one-time $299 Enrollment Fee.
  • Plus, it opens up room selection for you when housing opens. You can pay online, over the phone, or via mail. 


  • Pay online at go.oru.edu/pay. Log in with your Z-number and PIN (your six digit birth date, mmddyy). Select the Deposit tab, to complete your payment.
  • Give us a call and we'll walk you through payment at 918.495.6518.
  • Pay through the mail by sending a check or money order. Write your name and Z-number on your check or money order.

ORU Undergraduate Admissions
7777 South Lewis Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74171

  • It’s time to explore VISION and create your ORU email account.
    • To access your student profile, visit vision.oru.edu.
      • If this is your first time logging in, select LOGIN WITH Z-NUMBER & PIN. Type your Z-number and PIN (your six digit birth date, mmddyy).
      • To create your ORU email, click the PERSONAL INFORMATION tab. 
      • At the bottom of this screen, you will see an automated, preset email address. Delete the preset address and create your own email address and password.

video instructions

  • File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at fafsa.gov.
  • Even if you don’t think you’ll qualify for or need federal aid, you’ll want to complete the FAFSA so we can craft a personalized financial aid offer for you.
  • ORU's school code: 003985.

Learn More

Click below for helpful videos:


  • Our campus is almost as one-of-a-kind and extraordinary as our students. Just one look and you’ll fall in love with our futuristic, art-deco buildings, each of which symbolizes an element of our Christian faith. We invite you to experience this for yourself! 

Schedule Your Visit




Housing App

Accept or decline financial aid offers

After receiving your financial aid offer, you can choose or reject individual offers and apply for loans as needed via VISION.

  • Log into vision.oru.edu
  • Select Registration Quick Links
  • Click Accept Your Financial Aid Awards
    Vision Instructions
  • Select an AID YEAR (e.g., 2024-2025 Aid Year)
  • Select which offers to accept. Before clicking the ACCEPT AWARD OFFER tab
    • You'll need to click the TERMS AND CONDITIONS tab if that requirement is still incomplete

Note: Deciding on offers may trigger additional tasks on VISION. Direct Loan borrowers must complete promissory notes and entrance counseling. Parents applying for Direct Parent PLUS Loans need to submit separate requests and promissory notes. Students accepting extra unsubsidized loans due to a Direct Parent PLUS Loan denial must undergo Financial Awareness counseling.

Verification: If you are selected for Verification, please click here for more information.

  • Log into vision.oru.edu
  • Select Registration Quick Links
  • Select an AID YEAR (e.g., 2024-2025 Aid Year)
  • Select Address Verification 
    Vision Instructions
  • Enter your information then press Complete

Paying Off Your Balance

Your balance includes tuition, fees, housing, and food. To see if you have a remaining balance, follow the steps below:

  • Log into vision.oru.edu
  • Select Registration Quick Links
  • Select an AID YEAR (e.g., 2024-2025 Aid Year)
    Vision Instructions
  • If BALANCE DUE indicates that you do not have a remaining balance, you are able to complete all of your registration steps.
  • If BALANCE DUE indicates that you do have a remaining balance, that is what you owe.
    • Pay off your balance using verifiable financial aid, a monthly payment plan, cash, check, credit card, money order, or wire transfer.
    • Make payment through VISION.
    • If you are an International student, we recommend Fly Wire which offers payment options with guaranteed low rates for currency conversion.

Setting Up A Payment Plan
  • Students have the option to set up a monthly payment plan that divides your outstanding balance into monthly installments without charging interest. This plan is not financing and does not affect credit. 
  • To set up a monthly payment plan, locate the Payment Options listed underneath your registration steps on Vision. Select Option 1 "Enroll in a Monthly Payment Plan.

  • Part-Time Students: Before arriving on campus, please provide immunization records for the MMR series, Hep B series, Meningococcal vaccine and a TB Skin Test.
    • If you are enrolled in any HPER class a, Medical Assessment Form is also required.
    • Please upload directly to your Vision account using the "Secure Document Upload" tab and selecting Student Health Document.

Visit studenthealth.oru.edu for more information.



  • Once you finish high school or final semester at your current college, please have your final official transcripts sent directly from your high school or college to Oral Roberts University:
    • Fax: 918.495.6222 (include cover letter proving it is being sent from the school)
    • Email: admissions@oru.edu (include information proving it is being sent from the school)
    • Mail: ORU Undergraduate Admissions, 7777 South Lewis Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74171 (must be mailed from the school or hand-delivered to ORU in a sealed envelope to be considered official)

  • Your first semester class schedule will be created for you based on the recommended courses listed on your degree plan sheet, your acceptance status and any ACT/SAT test scores, CLEP results, AP results, and any transfer credits currently on file.
  • Once your schedule is created, you'll be notified by email and can view it at vision.oru.edu.
  • If you need help understanding your schedule or you want to make changes to your schedule, please email schedule@oru.edu.

Note: For those enrolling in an entry level math course, a foreign language, or plan on studying music, dance, or theatre, click here to check out these extra requirements.

  • ORU participates in the Follett Access Program, which will provide you with all of your textbook materials for a flat fee of $355 per semester.
  • Students must complete registration in order to be permitted to pick up their course materials. 
  • Please pick up your FitBit at the Bookstore when you pickup your books.
  • Learn more about the Follett Access Program.

  • Upon selecting your housing, you will be able to pre-order your Eagle Card (Student ID card).
  • You will receive an email with the necessary form to submit your photo.
  • If you need the email resent, please give us a call at 918.495.7256 or send us an email at eaglecard@oru.edu.  

  • It's the day you've been waiting for! Join us for orientation and get ready for the best college experience ever!

View More



  • Click here to submit your request for a Student Vehicle Permit. Note: Be sure to have your Z-Number handy! You'll need it to login.
  • Once you arrive on campus, please visit the Security Office and they will issue your official parking permit.

Having health insurance is not required in order to complete registration. However, we strongly recommend you have health insurance coverage.

  • Log into vision.oru.edu
  • Select Registration Quick Links
    Vision Instructions
  • Please enter your insurance information then press the SUBMIT button
  • Note: Contact Student Accounts at studentaccounts@oru.edu for details regarding a plan available through ORU. If you currently have a valid health insurance plan, please follow the steps below.

Want to stay connected to your ORU family? Download the ORU app!

  • Access campus information on the go
  • Keep your classes, assignments, and events organized
  • Stay informed of what's going on with automatic alerts


  • Need some extra cash to cover school expenses or fund your morning espresso needs? Why not apply for a work-study job on campus!
  • Before you begin looking for a work-study job on campus, you must complete registration and accept the work-study award in your financial aid package.
  • For more information on work-study eligibility, click here.

Take the next step
toward your career.